I was fortunate to earn a full time video editor position when I graduated college in 2008. Over the past 10 years my skills have grown drastically and continue to grow as I keep up with the change in technology, style and evolution of the video production industry. From burning spots to tape for broadcast, to the incredible invention of social media, I have witnessed and experienced constant change in the world of video and intend to continue with motivation, excitement and energy.
As times have changed, so has my life. As a wife and mom to two young and active boys, freelance video editing has agreed with us and our busy lifestyle. I try to balance the best of both worlds by being present for my husband and boys, while continuing my life long passion for creating powerful and memorable videos with meaning.
I love working one-on-one with individuals who may just need some home video organized, some video content for their small business or side hustle or anyone flexible who can relate to my family-comes-first lifestyle. I lived the tight deadline, 9-5, high stress lifestyle and I'm ready slow down while still being a professional and enjoying the work. I like to quote 1-2 weeks for turn-around time, but it really depends on the complexity of the project.
I'd love to add more social media video and extreme sports videos to my reel. If you have any needs for this I'd love to help!
I look forward to sharing my passion with you.
~ Kelley, Video Editor
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